For decades, Cape Town has been a top destination for commercial film and photo productions. Here is why:  


Cape Town has an annual 3100 hours of sunshine and a Mediterranean climate. That makes for endless, pleasantly warm shoot days with stunning light during the European winter. But even our average winter is warmer and sunnier than the average European summer. Which is why more and more clients come shoot here all year round. And as we’re in the same time zone as Berlin, London, Paris, Amsterdam, and Warsaw, you don’t even have to deal with jet lag!


The best thing about Cape Town is its locations: White sand beaches, mountain passes, deserts, (urban) jungles and suburban tranquility. Places that can double as Manhattan, the Sahara or your granny’s garden paradise – we have all these things within a short radius, allowing you to shoot the most diverse settings with just a short unit move. What’s more: The city is incredibly film friendly. So, if you need to lock off the main road for a car chase, they’ll do their best to make that happen.


Cape Town has been a film destination for many decades. International commercials in summer, international features, and TV shows in winter. Our crews are highly experienced, professional, and disciplined. Our gear houses carry the latest gear in top condition and quantities to service productions of any size. We have inside, outside, and virtual studios, post-production houses and everything else you might need to have a smooth, world-class production experience.


Cape Town is home to excellent DOPs, photographers, stylists, and production designers, many with vast international experience. Collaborating with these locals, you not only save on flights and accommodation – you can also benefit from their lower rates and their knowledge of the Cape Town light, locations, crew and gear houses. Call it home advantage!
(a recent UK client saved 17,000 GBP that way and was delighted with the outcome.)


With people from all corners of the globe calling Cape Town home, our casting directors can source talent from a vast array of ethnicities and backgrounds, whether you need street cast authenticity or seasoned professionals.